Media Packages
Showcase your events, products, or retail locations with ultra-high resolution photography.
4K Video
Today's customer demands more visual media than ever.
Entertain and inform with life-like 4K60p video.
Drone Footage
Capture a unique perspective on events, retail locations, and architectural projects.
Video isn't just for visual heavy industries like restaurants, fashion, and architecture. It's universal.
B2B video marketing statistics heavily suggest that B2B video content campaigns have more impact than ever now. With millennials increasingly in charge of business decisions, a video marketing campaign can change the way your brand accesses market space. A Google research from a couple of years ago claimed that 72% of B2B buyers and researchers were watching videos to help them make their buying decisions. Judging by the growing number of millennials making decisions in B2B, this number is even bigger today. Research says that they don’t watch clips of the video here and there. Nearly half of them watch at least 30 minutes of content.
B2B videos need to be authentic. Instead of giving the customer a run of the mill demo featuring a dull product description, videos could have a specific case such as customer care. One good example is the video of Method CMR where enthusiastic host holds the attention to the product. Another example is Taulia’s funny videos that follow when a person doesn’t use their services.
Video is expected to make up 82% of all internet traffic by 2021. -Cisco